Sheila Gemin

I received great opportunities to fulfil leadership roles for global organisations in my career. One of them was stepping up as global president for PWN. Looking back, I am grateful I stepped in with Carina by my side as Co-President. In these two years, I not only got to know myself as a person and leader, but I got to witness Carina’s strength and resilience, navigating the association through difficult times. What I have learned from her is how to postpone my judgment, listen carefully, be forceful when needed, and being vulnerable means strength.

The two years that we spent as presidents was a defining period for both of us in a way. It was an intensive process of self-discovery, taking care of others and steering an organisation through an impactful pandemic. Carina grew in her leadership seniority and provided a safe space for me to endure the discomfort of personal and professional growth. Thanks to her, I stepped up in seniority and leadership within one of the largest banks in Europe. And for that, I will be forever grateful.

Sheila Gemin

Carina furlong